Advance your net-zero strategies with spatially explicit forest carbon data

Deforestation & Degradation

Look beyond tree cover loss to bring consistency, robustness, and scalability to your historic emissions accounting.

Insetting & Removals

Reliably track the removals achieved from restoration, reforestation, agroforestry, and conservation of forests.

Reporting & Compliance

Ensure alignment with GHG Protocol, EUDR, and CDSR requirements, powered by a reliable and fully scalable data solution.

Leverage the right data for your organization

Biomass & carbon data

Gain access to above-ground biomass and carbon stock and change data at 30m and 10m resolution.
Work with robust data with pixel-level uncertainty.
Gain access to consistent, long-time series with annual data since 2000.

Customized services

Development of crop-specific biomass and carbon models.
Data calibration and validation in alignment with GHG Protocol requirements.
Estimation of stock and change for below-ground carbon, dead organic matter, and litter.

Interactive web platform & API

Access insight and data through the Chloris web platform without the need for GIS software.
Ensure seamless integration between our data and your workflows with our API.
Easily investigate, compare, and aggregate sites, from individual polygons to entire landscapes.
Communicate results efficiently within your organization and with your partners.

Our offering

Licenses include:

Annual data since 2000

Geospatial data download

30m and 10m resolution

Quality-controlled data

Dedicated customer team

Interactive web interface